
Pattarapon Siwapornchai


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I'm Pattarapon

Welcome to my Portfolio

picture of Pattarapon

About Me

I am a Software Engineer with professional experience in Mobile and Web development. My philosophy is committed to elevating user experiences continually via agile iteration and strategic technology stack. My journey as a Software Engineer is fueled by a life-long passion for learning.


Full-stack Applications

OYA is a full-stack application that help users manage their shared expenses with other users. A user can invite other users to their group and log their expenses. OYA does all the calculation and split the expenses evenly!


NEXT.js, React.js, Next-Auth , Framer Motion, JSX, CSS, Node, Mongoose, MongoDB

Sandbox is a full-stack application made to catalog free learning resources for educators and parents. It features authentication and authorization utilizing Passport.js package with MongoDB for database.


HTML,CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, EJS, Mongoose, Passport, Flash, MongoDB

Not-spotify is a group collaboration with John Raymond and Patrice Brooks. A full-stack application with full authentication and authorization using bcrypt for password encryption. Let users login and search for music utilizing the MusixMatch web API to create custom playlists.


React.js, JSX, JavaScript, Node, Express, Mongoose, bCrypt, MongoDB

Mini Projects

Quiz Game created for educational purposes. Questions and answers are dynamically generated to enhance learning potential.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Dad Joke Generator uses Axios framework to fetch data from icanhazdadjokes.com web API upon click.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Axios



Languages : HTML, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript,Python

Frameworks and Libraries : React Native CLI, Expo, NEXT.js, React Native, Tailwind CSS, Gatsby.js, React, Flask, Bootstrap, jQuery, Axios, Express, EJS, Mongoose, PeeWee, Passport

Databases : MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase

Tools : Node, NPM, Postman, Git, GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Emmet, SASS, Linux, MacOs, WSL

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Junior Software Developer

August 2021 – Present

As a Junior Developer, I work on a cross-functional team with members from around the globe to develop mobile and web applications. We use React Native and NEXT.js with TypeScript along with their ever expanding libaries of resources to build applications.

  • Worked on small teams to develop and deliver mobile and web applications for various clients
  • Developed high-end reusable components in React and React Native for web and mobile applications.
  • Helped implement in-demand features such as : Authentication (Google, Apple) , State-management with Redux Toolkit, and Database management with Firebase.
  • Participated in stand up meetings, pair coding and code reviews with senior engineers.

  • General Assembly

    Software Engineering Immersive Fellow

    December 2020 – June 2020

    A six-month 500+ hour program developing Full-Stack engineering skills. A very collaborative and team based environment to grow personal skills to become a Full Stack Developer.

    • Learned and utilized multiple computer languages in project based curriculum
    • Developed full-stack application starting from wireframing all the way to deployment using various tools
    • Studied and utilizied algorithms to enhance performance
    • Adopted latest syntax and adhered to coding best practices

    Easterseals NH

    Youth Support Specialist

    August 2020 – Present

    • Supported 10+ students living with disability both in-person and remotely via Zoom
    • Submitted 100+ daily session and monthly reports for each student to be used by Psychologists, Speech Therapists and Program Coordinators
    • Coached students at Market Basket (multiple locations), Bookery, Darbster Kitty and INGU for workplace learning

    Blue Mango


    October 2016 - June 2020

    • Managed, organized, led and controlled operations both at front and back of the house
    • Coordinated staff’s shifts and schedule on a weekly basis for 12-15 employees
    • Trained new employees to comply with ServSafe and mandatory restaurant procedures and regulations
    • Completed opening and closing procedure including daily accounting and other financial duties


    General Assembly

    Certificate in Software Engineering


    June 2021

    Framingham State University

    Bachelor's Degree in Sociology


    May 2018

    MassBay Community College

    Associate's Degree in Psychology


    May 2015


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